Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Fargo-opening scene

script analysis exercise
1. Is it the same as the script?
no, because most of the opening sequence of the script on the first page is cut out, the first section of the scene is meant to start in a hotel lobby.

2. any changes?
yes the film has cut out a large part from the script, the man was meant to walk into a hotel and speak to a women at the reception desk, but the film goes straight to the scene where Jerry talks Carl and Grimsrud in the bar.

3. does the script portray what you expect to see in the film?
the script shows who some of the main charcacters are and what roles they play in the film. Their personailites are revealed when they are first introduced in the opening sequence. This is enough to show you what you would expect to see without giving to much of the plot or story line away.

1.What is their name? Jerry Lunderguard

2.What type of words describe this person? Vulnerable, weak.

3.Can you tell from this sequence the role of this character? i.e are they a protagonist/Antagonist? Analysing this sequence I can tell that Jerry Lunderguard is maybe the protagonist towards the end of the film, by the way he acts and looks.

4.How do you know this? Jerry is dressed as your normal, average everyday guy. when entering the bar he looks vulnerable as the others around him look intimidating. Gimsrud and carl look to be your sterotypical antagonist by their bad attudude and the way they are scruffly dressed.

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